Maintaining a patent portfolio is a costly business

Many companies spend money maintaining products that have no economic value or strategic corporate use - we can help turn those costs into revenue and returns.

Recover Technologies have clients who wish to acquire patents that are no longer of any commercial importance to you, to build patent pools in different technology fields, enhancing their commercial value and identifying viable development opportunities in real world technology and innovation.

Recover Technologies has accumulated years of experience in sourcing, analysing, and transferring Intellectual Property. Recover Technologies now offers this knowledge in the form of a brokering service that encompasses the following activites:

  • Patent sourcing and Patent purchasing
  • Patent Selling and Monetization
  • Patent Reviews, Analysis, Mining & Grading
  • Patent Business Road Mapping & Market Strategy

If you would like more information, please read our FAQ or contact our Technology Transfer Advisers on: +44 (0) 203 696 0942.